12636 High Bluff Drive Suite 400
      San Diego, CA 92130USA
TOLL FREE - 888.800.1241

The vast majority of our business comes from our referral partner relationships.  Surprising to most, we get a large volume of business from competing banks, as well as from standard referral sources such as residential lenders, real estate brokers, property manager, CPA’s and accountants, attorneys, and referrals from past clients. 

The vast majority of our business comes from our referral partner relationships.  Surprising to most, we get a large volume of business from competing banks.  For many reasons, banks turn down quality commercial loans with alarming regularity.  San Diego Commercial & Business Financing acts as a relief valve for MANY banking professionals who want their clients to receive the best loans in the marketplace, but DON’T want to lose that clients banking relationship. 

Because we are a non-banking (meaning no checking, savings, credit/debit cards) lender, we do can guarantee that we will not act as a competitor for these services.  The bankers keep their clients banking relationships while providing their clients a valuable service in making sure they get their commercial real estate loan done.  We offer our objective and honest opinion on our clients’ investments

Additionally, once a client is referred to us, we always maintain a relationship with the referring source. We will NEVER circumvent our referral relationships once we are working with their clients.