12636 High Bluff Drive Suite 400
      San Diego, CA 92130USA
TOLL FREE - 888.800.1241

Honesty and integrity are the basis which San Diego Commercial & Business Services builds its continued business upon.  We are easy to do business with and to refer business to, because our reputation is solid.

We owe our clients a duty to advise them to the best of our ability.  In many cases, we at San Diego Commercial & Business Services, are the most knowledgeable advisor our client has with regards to commercial real estate; the viability of a projects success, the actual rates of returns, and the fair market values of CRE.  If our clients are being presented poor investments, or are about to make poor decisions, it is our duty to express our expert advice.

In the same light, because San Diego Commercial & Business Services is a commercial loan broker, we owe a fiduciary relationship both to our clients and to our lending partners.  The borrower AND the lenders we work with are our clients.  Put simply, we do not lie to lenders for the sake of getting a loan funded.  Our relationships with our investors are long term and we operate in a surprisingly close knit lending community.  We value our reputation in the lending marketplace.